Latest News ITCP

 F. Maurer/AKG
"Auf der Jagd nach dem aktiven Zentrum" und "Katalyseforschung auf drei Skalenebenen" - Videos

How do catalysts work and what do they look like during the reaction? These are the key questions for the development of efficient catalytic processes, the understanding of which is the ultimate goal of TrackAct. Get a detailed insight in our first video!

Get to know the different departments in our second video! Here, our scientists present their work - from catalysts in the microcosm to hand-sized, applied catalysts.



Reduction of CO2 emissions in steel productionSMS group
Reduction of CO2 emissions in steel production

In cooperation with our industrial partner Paul Wurth SA we have demonstrated how 0.5% of the global CO2 emissions can be reduced with moderate investments by modernizing existing blast furnace technology for steel production.
In the process, CO2 is recycled from the blast furnace gas and converted with coke oven gas into synthesis gas, which can be used as a coke substitute in the blast furnace. It was demonstrated and validated in a pilot plant at the stock company of Dillinger Hüttenwerke (Dillinger) in Saarland. Further details are published in Energy Advances. 23.01.2024

 T. Zevaco/KIT

The 2-days status meeting of the CARE-O-SENE consortium took place at the KIT on beginning of June 2023. Together with colleges from HZB, IKTS, SASOL DE, SASOL SA and INERATEC the achievements during the first 10 months of the project were presented and intensively discussed. The CARE-O-SENE project continues to push boundaries by fostering international collaboration between industry and academia and was overwhelming to see what has been already gain on knowledge and what possibilities to extend the cooperation and networking can be used. Together, we are paving the way towards a cleaner, greener world, and the CARE-O-SENE consortium is honoured to be part of this transformative journey. For the first time our young scientists had the opportunity to present their results in catalyst research. During the meeting the KIT Light Source and the EnergyLab 2.0 were visited.

Arik horiz-GArik Beck
Accelerating Scientific Discovery through Automation: ITCP welcomes Dr. Arik Beck to build up a research group as YIGPrepPro Fellow

We are delighted to welcome Dr. Arik Beck to ITCP as a YIG Prep Pro fellow to build a research group focused on automating characterization technologies to accelerate the discovery of insights into catalyst structure and performance.
Dr. Beck completed his doctorate at ETH Zurich in 2022. For his outstanding work, he received the Best PhD Thesis Award from the European Federation of Catalysis Societies (EFCATS). He is currently a postdoctoral researcher at the University of California, Santa Barbara. He will join ITCP in the upcoming winter. The Young Investigator Group Preparation Program (YIG Prep Pro) provides a starting fellowship for young researchers to develop their ideas within KIT. We are excited to have Dr. Beck contribute his expertise and drive to advance catalysis research at ITCP.

CRC/TRR150: Multi-Phase FlowsCRC TRR 150
SFB/TRR 150 on multiphase flows extended by four years

After a successful evaluation, the SFB/TRR "Turbulent, chemically reacting multiphase flows near walls" started into the 3rd funding phase (2023-2026) on January 1, 2023. The working group of Olaf Deutschmann, the coordinator of TRR150 at KIT, is currently working on subproject B05 "Modelling and numerical simulation of multiphase chemical reactions".


CRC/TRR 150 Subproject B05
Tiziana CarambiaTiziana Carambia
Renewable Kerosene: Accelarate Production in Industrial Scale

The research project CARE-O-SENE (Catalyst Research for Sustainable Kerosene), involving the cooperation of facilities from germany and south africa, is promoted with 30 million Euro by the Bundesministerium für Bildung- und Forschung (BMBF) gefördert. Therefore, tailored catalysts for Fischer-Tropsch-synthesis (FTS) for the production of kerosene from renewable resources will be developed.



KIT Light Source


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Patrick Lott erhält den Exzellenzpreis der VAAVAA - Führungskräfte Chemie/ Maria Schulz
Excellence Award of the VAA Foundation for Patrick Lott

Deutschmann group Senior Scientist Dr. Patrick Lott received the Excellence Award of the VAA Foundation during a small, festive ceremony in Cologne. The prize, which is endowed with € 5,000, is awarded once a year in recognition of outstanding dissertations with industrial application relevance.

CRC 1441 TrackActKIT / ITCP
How catalysts can work more efficiently

German Research Foundation (DFG) funds New Collaborative Research Center "TrackAct" at KIT for understanding catalytic processes. 

KIT PI: CRC TrackAct