
Current news from the Deutschmann group and news archive in chronological order.

Technologies for renewable fuel production
Assesment of technologies for renewable fuel procuction

Renewable methane is a versatile energy carrier that holds significant promise as a sustainable fuel. Within the MethQuest project, we have investigated an array of power-to-methane process chains to find novel ways to enhance the efficiency of the technology. The study supports the future development of commercially viable energy storage facilities and has recently been published in Applied Energy. 15.08.2024

Ahmet Celik wins Young Talent AwardDECHEMA
Young Talent Award Winner Ahmet Celik

Doctoral student Ahmet Celik won the Young Talent Award at the “Annual Meeting of Reaction Engineering and Electrochemical Processes” in Würzburg, Germany.  He impressed the audience as well as a jury of members of the Early Career Reaction Engineers (NaWuReT) with his lecture on the topic "Process Development of Climate-Friendly Hydrogen Production by Pyrolysis of Methane and Biogas: From Reaction Engineering to Techno-Economic Studies". Congratulations! 15.05.2024


Deutschmann group members at GeCatS in Weimar
Strong presence at Annual GeCatS Meeting in Weimar

Ten members of our group presented their latest results from catalysis research in a talk (Sofia Angeli et al.), several short talks and seven poster presentations at the 57th Annual Meeting of the German Catalysis Society in Weimar from March 13 to 15, 2024. Congratulations to Patrick Lott, who has been awarded the "Red Lion" for his continuous contributions to the GeCatS annual meetings in recent years. 03.04.2024

DECHEMA Best Presentation Award for PhD student Andrea Düll
MPH Best Presentation Award for Andrea Düll

At the annual meeting of the DECHEMA subject division Multiphase Flows 2024 in Bremen, our doctoral candidate Andrea Düll received the Best Presentation Award for her talk on the “Experimental characterization of the three-dimensional wave dynamics of falling film flows on structured surfaces”. Her research project is a cooperation with the Institute of Thermal Turbomachinery (ITS, KIT) and is supported by the Friedrich and Elisabeth Boysen Foundation. 23.03.2024.

Concept paper on digitalization for catalytic reaction kinetics
Concept paper on digitalization for catalytic reaction kinetics

Rinu Chacko et al. published an invited concept paper on Interconnected Digital Solutions to Accelerate Modeling of the Reaction Kinetics in Catalysis in ChemCatChem. The article highlights tools for efficient storage of research
data, establishment of automated workflows, algorithms for advanced model development for catalytic reaction systems such as Adacta, CaRMeN, DETCHEM, RMG. 19.03.2024

Tail pipe emission reduction of hybrid electric vehicles by periodic operation
Tail pipe emission reduction of hybrid electric vehicles by periodic operation

In collaboration with the Waseda University in Tokyo and Japanese automobile manufacturers, a new process has been developed to increase the efficiency of the three-way catalytic converter in a hybrid-electric vehicle at low exhaust temperatures. Inhibition of the catalytic converter by blocking the active sites at low temperatures can be prevented by periodic lean-rich switches of the exhaust gas. The work contributes to a better understanding of periodic processes in exhaust gas catalysis and has recently been published in Appl. Catal. B: Environ. 14.02.2024.

Reducing C02 emissions in steel productionSMS group
Reduction of CO2 emissions in steel production

In cooperation with our industrial partner Paul Wurth SA we have demonstrated how 0.5% of the global CO2 emissions can be reduced with moderate investments by modernizing existing blast furnace technology for steel production.
In the process, CO2 is recycled from the blast furnace gas and converted with coke oven gas into synthesis gas, which can be used as a coke substitute in the blast furnace. It was demonstrated and validated in a pilot plant at the stock company of Dillinger Hüttenwerke (Dillinger) in Saarland. Further details are published in Energy Advances. 23.01.2024

Clean Circles
Iron as sustainable energy carrier

Iron is a promising, recyclable energy carrier that allows energy to be stored in large quantities and over long periods of time. The project Clean Circles investigates the iron cycle with an integrated approach in cooperation with the TU Darmstadt and further partners. The energy is stored by reducing iron oxides with green hydrogen. Based on experimental results, a reaction mechanism and accompanied kinetic data for this process were derived and recently published. 23.03.2023

Poster Award ADCR 2022
ADCR Best Poster Award for RDM tools

At the Annual Digital Catalysis & Catalysis-Related Science Conference 2022 of NFDI4cat, Johannes Riedel and Hendrik Goßler received the Best Poster Award for the contribution “Automatization of Interdisciplinary Research Data Management for Catalysis”. More information on the newly developed tool Adacta can be found in the recent CIT paper. 25.05.2023

Strong presence at Annual Meeting on Reaction Engineering 2023

At the Annual Meeting on Reaction Engineering in May 2023 in Frankfurt, our newest research results were presented by a tandem plenary lecture (together with S.A. Schunk, hte/BASF) on Digitalization in Catalysis and Reaction Engineering, an oral (Lukas Wehrle on NH3 fueled SOFCs, see also) and eleven poster presentations.16.05.2023

Deutschmann group 2023
20 years Deutschmann Group in Karlsruhe

In April 2003, Olaf Deutschmann became Professor for Chemical Technology at the Universität Karlsruhe (TH), now KIT, where his group’s work focuses is on the development of climate and environmentally friendly technologies in chemical industry, traffic, transportation, and the energy sector. 01.05.2023

Patent NOx EIFER
Patent on electrochemical NOx conversion

A new patent on an electrochemical device for converting nitrogen oxides NOx into ammonia and/or hydrogen was recently granted to J. Dailly, A. Banerjee, O. Deutschmann. This invention is based on a strong collaboration between EIfER and KIT operating jointly the EnerMat Lab located at ITCP. The patent, WO2022171663A1, is now used by EdF. 24.05.2023

German Catalysis Meeting 2023 Chacko Poster Prize
YounGeCatS Poster Workshop Award for Rinu Chacko

At the annual German Catalysis Meeting 2023 in Weimar, our PhD student Rinu Chacko received the YounGeCatS Poster Workshop Award for her research on Automating the Optimization of Catalytic Reaction Mechanism Parameters using Basin-Hopping. More information on the topic can be found in our recent paper in J. Phys. Chem. C. 31.03.2023

CRC/TRR150: Multi-Phase FlowsCRC TRR150
SFB/TRR 150 on multiphase flows extended by four years

After a successful evaluation, the SFB/TRR "Turbulent, chemically reacting multiphase flows near walls" started into the 3rd funding phase (2023-2026) on January 1, 2023. The working group of Olaf Deutschmann, the coordinator of TRR150 at KIT, is currently working on subproject B05 "Modelling and numerical simulation of multiphase chemical reactions". 01.03.2023


Methane Pyrolysis
Carbon capture by methane pyrolysis

High-temperature pyrolysis of natural gas is a highly attractive approach for large-scale carbon capture and  hydrogen production. In a new feasibility study, (Lott et al.) published in ChemSusChem, the process is shown to successfully work in the gas-phase without a catalyst obtaining over 90% conversion of methane towards hydrogen and solid carbon. Industrial-relevant operating conditions are systematically  varied and the reaction flow is analyzed. 22.11.2022.

Plenary Lecture Lott DeutschmannP. Lott / O. Deutschmann
Plenary lecture on environmentally-friendly technologies

An invited plenary lecture on “Heterogeneous Chemical Reactions - A Cornerstone in Emission Reduction of Local Pollutants and Greenhouse Gases” was given by Patrick Lott and Olaf Deutschmann at the 39th International Symposium on Combustion in Vancouver, Canada on July 26, 2022. The corresponding open access paper discusses emission control of natural gas and hydrogen fueled engines, use of CO2 in chemical and steel industry, hydrogen production by pyrolysis of methane, small-scale ammonia synthesis and use, and recyclable carbon-free energy carriers. 6.10.2022

News_2022_10_Studienpreis_DHodonjKIT / CIW
Emil-Kirschbaum-Studienpreis für Daniel Hodonj

Daniel Hodonj receives the „Emil-Kirschbaum-Studienpreis“ for the outstanding completion of his Master's degree in chemical engineering. He has been a doctoral student in our working group since February 2022 and conducts research on the topic of emission control of hybrid vehicles. 06.10.2022

News_2022_10_Young_Talent_Award_KuhnC. Kuhn
Young Talent Award of the Annual Meeting on Reaction Engineering 2022

At the Annual Meeting on Reaction Engineering 2022 in Würzburg, our PhD student Carola Kuhn presented her current research results on iron as renewable energy carrier within the project Clean Circles.  She received the Young Talent Award for her presentation with the topic "Iron as recyclable metal fuel: Reaction kinetic analysis of iron oxide reduction with hydrogen". 01.10.2022

Oscar FurstO. Furst
Research grant for Junior Scientist Oscar Furst

Oscar Furst, Junior Scientist in the Deutschmann research group, received a grant from ProcessNet within the NaWuReT call "Virtual Research Residency Reaction Engineering 2021". In cooperation with Dr. Yuqing Wang, Assistant Professor at the Beijing Institute of Technology, he is implementing a transient boundary layer solver for more accurate simulation of solid oxide cells, especially for their operation as clean energy storage devices. 12.01.2022

CHERD cover Erdogan et al.Erdogan et al.
Paper on turbulence modeling in bubble columns featured on front cover of “Chemical Engineering Research and Design”

Computational Fluid Dynamics is a promising approach to support the design of industrial bubble columns operated at elevated pressures and temperatures. Nowadays such computations are often limited to lab-scale bubble columns and aqueous liquids at ambient conditions. Of special importance is reliable modeling of turbulence, which differs from that in single-phase flows. In a recent paper, Erdogan et al. present a systematic framework for the development of improved statistical turbulence models for bubble-driven liquid flows at technically relevant conditions. It combines scale-resolved (direct) simulations of swarms of millimeter-sized bubbles with scale-reduced simulations of an industrial pilot-scale bubble column, where numerical results for organic systems under elevated pressure are compared with measurements reported in literature. 12.01.2022



ACS Environmental AU
High power density SOFCs for mobile applications

Technological challenges that commonly accompany high temperature systems prevented a commercialization of solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) in the mobility sector so far. Still, the traditionally used PEM fuel cells face severe thermal management issues that are critical for larger scale transport applications. Inspired by the rapid recent progress in SOFC electrode design and stack development, L. Wehrle et al. have published a detailed multi-scale modelling approach in ACS Environmental AU rigorously coupling single cell, stack and system level, to optimize the cell architecture of SOFCs and re-evaluate the technologies role for transportation. 10.12.2021

Dr. G. SchochITCP / S. Tischer
Trauer um Dr. Günter Schoch

Unser langjähriger Mitarbeiter Dr. Günter Schoch ist am 7. August 2021 unerwartet im Alter von nur 68 Jahren verstorben. Herr Schoch hat sich nach seiner Promotion mit vielfältigen Themen aus dem Bereich der Chemischen Technik an unserem Institut beschäftigt. In den letzten Jahren vor seinem Ruhestand widmete er sich unter anderem erfolgreich der Herstellung von Kohlenstoffverbundwerkstoffen und der Reduzierung von Stickoxidemissionen aus Verbrennungsmotoren. Wir trauern um einen lieben Kollegen, den wir in guter Erinnerung behalten werden. 13.09.2021

Ammonia preparation from urea-water sprays in SCR systemsM. Börnhorst, O. Deutschmann
Ammonia preparation from urea-water sprays in SCR systems

Preparation of the reducing agent ammonia from urea-water sprays in SCR systems still represents a challenge in aftertreatment engineering as complex interactions of multi-phase physics and chemical reactions have to be handled. Increasingly stringent emission legislations and the ongoing development of fuel-efficient engines and close-coupled aftertreatment systems raise high demands to SCR systems. M. Börnhorst and O. Deutschmann have published a comprehensive review of advances and current challenges in urea SCR related research, now available in Progress in Energy and Combustion Science. 09.08.2021

Cleaning NOx emissions from hydrogen engines
Cleaning NOx emissions from hydrogen engines

Climate-friendly hydrogen-fueled internal combustion engines still produce NOx emissions because H2 is oxidized using air. The recent efforts of Borchers, K. Keller, P. Lott  to clean these NOx emissions from H2-engines by the elegant way of direct H2-SCR are now published in Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.. Collaborating with many engine manufacturers and supplier industry we will continue to support the development of novel technologies for clean transportation vehicles. 12.05.2021

MethQuest in Bundesbericht EnergieforschungMethQuest
MethQuest mentioned in Bundesbericht Energieforschung 2021

Germany’s Economics Minister Peter Altmaier presented the Federal Energy Research Report 2021 to the federal cabinet, in which the MethQuest project is mentioned in the chapter Interfaces of energy research to mobility and transport (p. 28). In this successful project, our group (Lukas Wehrle et al.) together with EIfER are responsible for developing  solid oxide electrolysis cells for hydrogen production. 06.05.2021

CO2 emissions from steel industry reducedAngeli, Gossler, Lichtenberg et al.
CO2 emissions from steel industry reduced

Together with Paul Wurth SA, Luxembourg, we developed a novel process to reform the greenhouse gases CO2 and CH4 from steel industry into valuable hydrogen. The proof-of-concept was successfully shown, S. Angeli, S. Gossler, S. Lichtenberg et al. in Angew. Chemie Int. Ed., using our recently established high-temperature-high-pressure lab reactor and detailed numerical simulations with DETCHEM and CaRMeN. Now, the concept is about to be transferred  into an industrial technology; carrier options. 05.05.2021

Microkinetics of methanation over Ni
Microkinetics of methanation over Ni established

A thermodynamically consistent microkinetic model of methanation, a key process in Power-to-Gas technologies, has been developed by Daniel Schmider and Luba Maier published in Ind. & Eng. Chem. Res. The mechanism features multiple paths for the conversion of both CO and CO2 with H2 to CH4 over Ni-based catalysts, including a carbide pathway and the direct hydrogenation of CO2. 28.04.2021

Save the new date: MODEGAT VII postponed

The next international symposium on Modeling of Exhaust-Gas After-Treatment (MODEGAT) will be held in 2022. The organizers believe that the interactive and collaborative spirit of MODEGAT is best created through face-to-face contact and have therefore decided against a virtual format. MODEGAT VII will take place September 11-13, 2022, in Bad Herrenalb/Karlsruhe, Germany. For updates regarding a call for abstracts, registration, and more visit the conference website January 2021.


Patrick Lott receives VAA Excellence Award 2020VAA – Führungskräfte Chemie/Maria Schulz
Excellence Award of the VAA Foundation for Patrick Lott

Deutschmann group Senior Scientist Dr. Patrick Lott received the Excellence Award of the VAA Foundation during a small, festive ceremony in Cologne. The prize, which is endowed with € 5,000, is awarded once a year in recognition of outstanding dissertations with industrial application relevance. 09.12.2020

CRC 1441 TrackActKIT/ ITCP
New CRC "TrackAct" funded by DFG

The DFG funds a new Collaborative Research Centre (CRC 1441) “Tracking the Active Site in Heterogeneous Catalysis for Emission Control” (TrackAct) for the understanding of catalytic processes. The vision of TrackAct is to design noble metal catalysts with atomic precision and to monitor and control the active site in the reactor and the technical application. Sofia Angeli and Olaf Deutschmann are among the 23 principal investigators of this new CRC. 02.12.2020.

Marion BörnhorstMarion Börnhorst
Dissertation award for Marion Börnhorst

Dr.-Ing. Marion Börnhorst, senior scientist in the Deutschmann group, was selected by KIT's internal selection committee for this year's dissertation award of the Friedrich and Elisabeth Boysen Foundation. Currently, she is head of the research group "Multiphase Processes and Reactors" with five PhD students and is working towards her habilitation. 25.11.2020

ChemPhysChem VeryImportantPaper
ChemPhysChem announces our #VeryImportantPaper on Twitter

Our recent study on Spatially and Temporally Resolved Measurements of NO Adsorption/Desorption over NOx-Storage Catalyst by Sui Wan et al., published as #VeryImportantPaper by ChemPhysChem revealed the potential of PLIF as very useful tool to investigate the interaction between surface kinetics and the surrounding gas flow, especially for transient catalytic processes. 29.10.2020

Mass transport enhancement in CO2 absorptionMarion Börnhorst et al.
Enhanced mass transport in CO2 absorption

The Friedrich and Elisabeth Boysen Foundation has approved funding for a joint initiative on mass transport enhancement in CO2 absorption processes. The project under direction of Dr. Marion Börnhorst will investigate potentials for an increase in interfacial mass transport by surface structure induced mixing and will be conducted in collaboration with the Institute of Thermal Turbomachinery at KIT. 4.11.2020

I&EC_Research_GraphAbstr_GiehrOlaf Deutschmann et al.
Paper featured on cover of I&EC Research

Our new paper “Dry and Steam Reforming of CH4 on Co-Hexaaluminate: On the Formation of Metallic Co and Its Influence on Catalyst Activity” by A. Giehr, L. Maier S. Angeli, S.A. Schunk, an d O. Deutschmann has been selected as a highlight on the cover of the most recent issue of Industrial & Engineering Chemical Research. The work was part of a joint project that led to the ICIS Innovation Awards 2019 for BASF and Linde for the climate-friendly Dryref process. 27.10.2020

Cover Positionspapier EnergiewendeDeutschmann et. al.
Position Paper "Energiewende"

A group of more than fifty German scientists and engineers in the field of chemically reactive flows and energy process engineering published a position paper on the energy system transformation (Energiewende). 8.7.2020

NFDI4Cat initiative funded
NFDI4Cat initiative funded

Today, the Federal Government and the States of Germany (Gemeinsame Wissenschaftskonferenz, GWK) have selected the NFDI4Cat initiative (National Research Data Infrastructure for for Catalysis-Related Sciences) as one of nine initiatives to be funded on the basis of a funding recommendation by the German Research Foundation (DFG). Three Professors from ITCP at KIT have contributed to this success: Olaf Deutschmann (Co-Speaker of NFDI4Cat), Jan-Dierk Grunwaldt, and Felix Studt. 26.06.2020

Toxic HCN found in aftertreatment of natural gasOlaf Deutschmann et al.
Toxic HCN found in aftertreatment of gas engines

The Exhaust-Gas Center Karlsruhe found that toxic hydrogen cyanide (HCN) is formed over SCR catalysts used in climate-friendly natural gas engines. More information: Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 10.1002/anie.202003670. 30.04.2020


Aayan BanerjeeAayan Banerjee
Former PhD student accepts faculty position at U Twente

Dr. Aayan Banerjee, PhD student in our group from 2014 to 2018, now at Imperial College, London, has accepted a faculty position as Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Science and Technology (TNW) at the University of Twente, where he will work in the ”Process and Catalysis Engineering” cluster.14.05.2020

Pt-Pd-based catalysts for oxidation of methane and formaldehydeOlaf Deutschmann et al.
Study on Pt-Pd-based catalysts for oxidation of methane and formaldehyde published

Joint study on emission control of methane and formaldehyde from gasoline, diesel and natural gas engines published by the Fuels, Engine and Emissions Research Center (FEERC), Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), USA, and the Exhaust-Gas Center Karlsruhe, ITCP (KIT) in Appl. Catal. B: Env. 15.01.2020.

Project "AdBlue Deposits"

The FVV project „AdBlue Deposits“ investigated the interaction of AdBlue sprays with hot tail pipe walls, the resulting wall film formation and the precipitation of solid deposits from liquid film. Besides experimental investigations, new models for urea decomposition, spray/wall interaction, heat transfer and an approach to substantially speed-up 3D-CFD simulations were developed. The work was supported from 01/2017 – 04/2019 by BMWi through the AiF based on a decision by the German Bundestag. 13.01.2020



  • June 2019: The internal combustion engine as a COreformer 

    The internal combustion engine as a CO2reformerAn internal combustion engine can be used as CO2 sink instead of being a CO2 producer. These findings by H. Gossler from our group and colleagues from the group of U. Maas are now published in Combust. & Flame and open promising routes for the reduction of green-house gas emissions.

  • June 2019: High-Temperature Electrolysis

    Several interesting papers (Appl. Energy, J. Power Sources, CIT, Energy Conv. Managem.) published on High-temperature Electrolysis in collaboration with Imperial College, Tsinghua University, and Beijing Institute of Technology.

  • May 2019: Project "MethQuest"

    Winfried Kretschmann, Prime Minister of Baden-Württemberg, visisted MethQuest booth at the 11. National Maritime Conference in Friedrichshafen. The objective of the MethQuest project is to drive the energy revolution with renewable methane. Within MethQuest, our group develops high-temperature electrolysis cells for a very efficient power-to-gas technology.

  • April 2019: Leopoldina statement: Clean air

    Olaf Deutschmann served as an expert of the National Academy of Sciences, Leopoldina, working on the statement "Saubere Luft: Stickstoffoxide und Feinstaub in der Atemluft:Grundlagen und Empfehlungen", which says: "The goal is a nationwide, interdepartmental strategy for air pollution control that considers nitrogen oxides and particulate matter as well as other pollutants and greenhouse gases from all sources".



  • September 2018: Special distinction for paper
    The new Applied Energy article "Hierarchical modeling of solid oxide cells and stacks producing syngas via H2O/CO2Co-electrolysis for industrial applications" (DOI: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2018.08.122) by Aayan Banerjee, Yuqing Wang, Justus Dierks, and O.D. recieved special distinction and is published in the special section of Progress in Applied Energy.
  • September 2018: Project kick-off "MethQuest"
    Kick-off of BMWi funded project MethQuest (total budget 32 Mio €) dealing with the conversion of renewable power to natural gas and its use in combustion engines. Our group works on high-temperature electrolysis and emission control in the subprojects MethFuel and MethMare, respectively.
  • February 2018: Combustion Institute honors Olaf Deutschmann
    Olaf Deutschmann was honored with the lifetime title “Fellow of The Combustion Institute” for pioneering research in heterogeneous catalysis in support of combustion and energy-conversion technologies.
  • February 2018: Plenary Lecture at Bunsentagung
    "Reaction Mechanisms for Power Generation, Transportation and Energy Storage" will be the title of Olaf Deutschmann's plenary lecture at this year's Bunsentagung "Kinetics in the Real World", which will take place May 10-12, 2018, in Hannover, Germany.
  • January 2018: FCI scholarship recipients meet at ITCP
    Regional recipients of a scholarship by the "Fonds der Chemischen Industrie" met on January 18, 2018 in Karlsruhe. They were invited by Professor Deutschmann. With Janin Offenloch, Hannah Rothfuß, Patrick Lott, and Florian Maurer, no less than four recipients are working on their doctorate at our institute. Read more.



  • December 2017: New Sino-German project granted
    The German Science Foundation DFG and the National Science Foundation of China NSFC recently granted the joint project "Homogenous gas-phase reactions in exhaust-gas tail pipes of internal combustion engines", in which Prof. Olaf Deutschmann (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology), Prof. Katharina Kohse-Hoeinghaus (Bielefeld University) and Prof. Fei Qi (Jiao Tong University Shanghai) will closely cooperate. Several research visits on both sides will bring together relevant and competitive researchers from Germany and China.
  • December 2017: "Freunde der Chemischen Technik Karlsruhe e.V." Award for ITCP members
    Dr. Lubow Maier and laboratory technician Wolfgang Arbogast of the ITCP received the "Preis der Freunde der Chemischen Technik Karlsruhe e.V.". The non-profit promotional organization awarded them for their long-standing and excellent work in the field of science and with students and apprentices, respectively.
  • February 2017: Scholarship awarded to Ph.D. student P. Lott
    Patrick Lott from our group will receive the prestigious two-years stipend of the "Fonds der Chemischen Industrie" to conduct his Ph.D. studies on total catalytic oxidation of methane.




  • December 2016: Institute members receive young talent awards
    Dr. Sina Baier and Dipl.-Chem. Karl-Friedrich Ratzsch of the ITCP are the first young talents to receive the "Nachwuchspreis der Freunde der Chemischen Technik Karlsruhe e.V.". The non-profit promotional organization "Freunde der Chemischen Technik Karlsruhe e.V." awards young scientists for their outstanding academic achievements and excellent work with this newly established prize, which is endowed with 300 EUR.

  • December 2016: "Sparkassen-Umweltpreis" for Dr. A. Zellner
    Dr. Alexander Zellner will be awarded the "Sparkassen-Umweltpreis 2016" for his PhD thesis "Bestimmung von Konzentrationsverteilungen in katalytischen Reaktoren durch planare laserinduzierte Fluoreszenz am Beispiel der Reduktion von NO in einem Dieseloxidationskatalysator."
  • November 2016: Funding for PhD Theses
    The "Friedrich und Elisabeth Boysen-Stiftung für Forschung and Innovation" funds PhD theses on wettability and deposit formation in exhaust-gas after-treatment systems.

  • August 2016: The Combustion Institute awards Gold medals to ITCP associates
    Professor H. Bockhorn, former head of our institute ITCP, received the Inaugural Jürgen Warnatz Gold Medal of The Combustion Institute on the occasion of the International Symposium on Combustion in Seoul/Korea in August 2016. Professor R.J. Kee, Colorado School of Mines, visiting professor at ITCP, received the Bernard Lewis Gold Medal at the same occasion.

  • June 2016: New Cooperation with EIFER
    KIT and EIFER recently agreed to jointly build and operate ENERMAT, a laboratory designated to the synthesis/processing of materials and testing of cells.



  • October 2015: European Symposium on Chemical Reaction Engineering:
    Plenary lecture of Olaf Deutschmann at European Symposium on Chemical Reaction Engineering, Fuerstenfeldbruck, Germany.

  • September 2015: The 4th International Symposium on Modeling of Exhaust-Gas After-Treatment MODEGAT IV took place 13-15 September 2015 in Bad Herrenalb, Germany.

  • June 2015: Hendrik Goßler received a grant within the KHYS International Collaboration Package for a research visit at the Colorado School of Mines, USA.

  • April 2015: Inauguration of new pilot reformer at Linde
    The new process enables energy-efficient, low-emission synthesis gas production with economical industrial-scale use of CO2 as feedstock. The development was supported by modeling work of Dr. Lea Kahle, Dr. Karla Herrera-Herrera, and Dr. Lubow Maier from the Deutschmann group at KIT.

  • April 2015: Plenary lecture of Olaf Deutschmann at CLEERS 2015, Detroit USA.

  • April 2015: Olaf Deutschmann selected as new member of the editorial advisory board of International Journal of Chemical Kinetics.

  • March 2015: New openings for PhD students and Postdocs available





  • September 2013: MODEGAT III - 3rd International Symposium on Modeling of Exhaus-Gas After-Treatment MODEGAT III; Information

  • August 2013: DFG establishes new research unit 1993 at University Duisburg Essen and KIT on "Multi-functional conversion of chemical species and energy". The Deutschmann group works on the subproject "Mathematical optimization of operating conditions in chemical energy conversion in piston engines"



  • October 2012: Dr. Marco Hartmann (BASF), former member of the Deutschmann group at KIT, receives Carl Zerbe Award.

  • September 2012: Gerhard-Damköhler-Medal awarded to Professor Henning Bockhorn.

  • April 2012: Dr. N. Anikin, Prof. H. Bockhorn und Prof. R. Suntz granted patent for "Schnelle optische Tomographie".









